
  • Photo: EFW


Artikel Nummer: 42582

Aercap: large order for small freighters

Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), centre of excellence for Airbus passenger-to-freighter (P2F) conversions, has announced that Aercap Holdings (Aercap), a global player in aviation leasing and world’s largest owner of the A320 family, has placed firm orders for 15 Airbus A321P2F aircraft conversions and an option for another 15 A321P2F conversions with EFW.


EFW’s A321P2F programme has been developed in collaboration with ST Engineering and Airbus, with EFW holding the supplemental type certificate and the lead in the overall programme as well as marketing & sales efforts.


ST Engineering and EFW have set up new conversion sites in China and USA to ramp up total conversion capacity for all their Airbus P2F programmes comprising the A330P2F, A320P2F and A321P2F. (cj)




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