
  • Photo: Daimler


Artikel Nummer: 44086

A step towards emission-free waste collection

Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH) in Germany has launched its first battery-electric vehicle for waste collection: Daimler trucks recently handed over the key for the all-electric eEconic truck purchased by Hamburg's municipal cleaning company SRH.


The eEconic for municipal operations has been in series production at the German Mercedes-Benz plant in Worth since last year. The new vehicle is to help the city of Hamburg reach its goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2035. All newly procured vehicles at SRH will have alternative drive systems by 2025 at the latest.


As a waste collection vehicle, the battery-electric eEconic scores with its lower noise emissions, especially in urban operation in the early hours of the morning, Daimler said. (ben)




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