Growth abounds – except in Africa 

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has revealed that total demand measured in cargo tonne-kilometres (ctk), rose for the 16th consecutive month of growth, increasing by 8.2% compared to November 2023 levels (+9.5% for international operations). Asia-Pacific... mehr
Timocom now offers a parking guidance system 

The German IT specialist is taking a stake in the start-up Aparkado and is thus driving forward the digitalisation of European road freight transport. With this investment, Timocom customers will now have access to an electronic parking guidance system for trucks via an Aparkado... mehr
Real-time weather data cuts fuel use in UHL fleet 

United Heavy Lift (UHL) has partnered with Syroco to deploy its next-generation weather routing platform on eleven vessels in its fleet of 19 heavylift ships. Following a successful pilot phase, the F900 eco-lifter-class vessels, known for their environment-friendly... mehr
Changing of the guard at Clark Europe 

Clark Europe, a forklift truck and equipment manufacturer based in Germany, announced a management change from 1 January. After ten years of service president and CEO Rolf Eiten is now devoting himself to other tasks in the company, having handed over the baton to Stefan... mehr
Starlux doubles up 

Starlux Airlines from Taiwan has placed a firm order with Airbus for five more A350F freighters. This doubles the airline’s initial order from last year for five of the all-new cargo aircraft, as mentioned in our article. The A350F fleet will be operated by Starlux Cargo... mehr
Operail testing single-person operations 

Traditionally, freight trains are operated by two people – a driver and an assistant in the locomotive cab. Operail has now become the first rail freight transport company in Estonia to test single-person operations, deploying its C30-M series locomotive, which it built... mehr
Counterfeit jewellery seized at US border 

Around USD 30,000 worth of counterfeit Tiffany & Co jewellery was seized at the Champlain port of entry by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) teams recently. From late last year until the beginning of this week, officers examined shipments of what appeared to be high-end... mehr
Green corridor to link Portugal to Northern Europe 

Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) has signed an mou with Madoqua Renewables Holding and other global leaders to develop a green corridor linking Portugal to Northern Europe. The initiative aims to decarbonise maritime transport by employing low-emission shipping solutions and... mehr
New Deugro managers in Saudi Arabia 

Deugro has appointed Johnny El Hayek as its country manager for Saudi Arabia, after the regional director for the Middle East, Suresh Rajan, and the general manager for the western region of Saudi Arabia, John Vetteth, retired. The former general manager of Saudi Arabia’s... mehr