"Curiosity of the Day" 
Pure alcohol evaporates quickly when it's cooked. In combination with fat and water, however, it's still detectable even after more than two hours of cooking. mehr
Bomi Group expands in Brazil 

Bomi Group, an Italian healthcare supply chain solutions provider, has opened a new office in Brazil, led by country manager Rafael Martau. Marcelo Borges assumed the role of operations director in April 2021, with responsibility for logistics and transport operations in the... mehr
Sennder's physical-digital expansion 

Digital forwarder Sennder has acquired Dutch carrier Cars & Cargo, which operates in France and the Benelux countries. The price of the transaction was not disclosed. As part of the takeover, Cars & Cargo’s fleet of 240 trucks will be fed into Sennder’s system.... mehr
HHLA: a mixed bag in Q1/2021 

Q1/2021 had its ups and downs for Hamburger Hafen und Logistik (HHLA). The group's ebit rose by 26.4 % to EUR 46.3 million mostly due to high storage fees caused by continued shipping delays in Hamburg as well as rising container transport volumes. Container throughput fell... mehr
Testing innovative cooling systems 

Quieter, more eco-friendly and more economical: trans-o-flex subsidiary Thermo Med, which specialises in pharmaceutical transports with active temperature control, is now testing three delivery vehicles equipped with a new type of purely electric cooling system. Conventional... mehr
Apex takeover takes last hurdle 

The authorities have given the green light for Kuehne + Nagel's acquisition of Apex International Corporation (Apex). Apex, which is especially dedicated to the transpacific and intra-Asia trade routes, is now part of the K+N group. The freight forwarding group, which in... mehr
Andrang auf US-Häfen 

Die vielen Unterbrüche von Liniendiensten aus aller Welt, durch Lieferverzögerungen und Herstellerausfälle wegen der Pandemie entstanden, zeigen Auswirkungen. Unzählige Güter, noch verstärkt durch den wachsenden Online-Handel, kommen jetzt in den USA an. mehr
Das Beste aus der Situation gemacht 

Seit 15 Jahren lebt und arbeitet Jan Krems nun in den USA. Mit KLM Cargo flog der Holländer zunächst über den Atlantik und leitet seit 2014 die Frachtabteilung von United Airlines. Als sehr bereichernd empfindet Krems die US-Unternehmenskultur, da sie direkt auf das Geschäft... mehr
WCL prepares the future 

Andreas Boedeker (photo), former head of global ocean freight at DHL Global forwarding, and Claude Lebel, former executive of CMA-CGM and OOCL, will join the advisory board of Worldwide Consultants Logistics (WCL) with immediate effect. In addition, Martin Sieg, recently a... mehr
John O'Connor to lead strategic development 

Crane Worldwide Logistics, a specialist for integrated supply chain solutions, has appointed John O’Connor as executive vice president for strategic development, a newly created position. O’Connor brings over 28 years’ logistics experience, having built scalable product... mehr