Renovating automation 

The VVA (Vereinigte Verlagsauslieferung) Group, an affiliate of Arvato Supply Chain Solutions, has reshaped its distribution centre in Guetersloh in Germany. SSI Schäfer has built an automated shuttle warehouse with order picking system in the existing facility on a limited... mehr
CSX to serve new agriculture hub 

Northwest Grains International is breaking ground on an agricultural transload operation in Dillon County (USA) to serve agricultural producers. The operation will handle containerised soybeans, lumber, logs, peanuts, cotton, cotton seed and yellow peas for export through... mehr
Pfizer partners with Zipline 

USA-based drone services provider Zipline is partnering with Pfizer to test and develop an end-to-end distribution solution for Covid-19 vaccines. As part of the collaboration, a system has been developed that can be used to safely distribute any vaccine. Zipline’s on-demand... mehr
Anspannung aller Kräfte 

Im Mai wurde in Indien mit mehr als 28 Mio. gemeldeten Fällen einer neuartigen Corona-Variante (Sars-Cov2) ein trauriger Rekord erreicht. Die Entlastung des indischen Gesundheitssystems aus dem Ausland ist auch eine logistische Herausforderung. Das ITJ sprach dazu mit Mukesh... mehr
Oslo – Haifa in 14 instead of 30 days 

An interesting new rail alliance has been formed: Loconi, which operates five weekly container trains between Gdynia and Wrocław (both in Poland), and Baltic Rail, which runs three – five weekly trains between Wrocław and Koper (Slovenia), have launched a combined intermodal... mehr
Jan de Rijk Logistics shifts focus 

In its recently published results for 2020, Roosendaal (Netherlands)-based Jan de Rijk Logistics is in the black, with profits before tax of EUR 6 million for 2020 compared to EUR 5.5 million in 2019, while turnover moved sidewards to EUR 228.6 million (2019: EUR 230.4 million).... mehr
Port of Los Angeles sets handling record 

In a time of backlog, the Port of Los Angeles has announced that its terminals processed 10 million container units in a 12 month period. A ceremony took place at the Port’s Fenix Marine Services container terminal to watch the 10 millionth container being loaded onto the... mehr
Turning steel works into rail hub 

UK carrier GB Railfreight (GBRF) recently operated the first loaded freight service from Stanton Gate since 2009 on behalf of Ward. GBRF reacted to a late notice demand from Ward and was asked to transport in excess of 1,400 t of fragmented steel to Immingham Dock. Previous... mehr
Air Canada Cargo: maindeck cargo routes 

From autumn, Air Canada's first B767 freighter, a converted 767-300ER, will operate on routes linking Toronto to Miami, Quito, Lima, Mexico City and Guadalajara, the first time the carrier will serve the Mexican destination. As more freighters enter service, more flights in... mehr