New head for new strategy at Alpensped 

Georg Maurer joined medium-sized freight forwarder Alpensped as strategic business developer early October this year. It is a newly created position that includes human resources, sales, IT and operational services and involves the analysis of all corporate processes.... mehr
Cargo iQ names Lothar Moehle executive director 

Cross-stakeholder air cargo organisation Cargo iQ has named Lothar Moehle as its new executive director. Moehle brings over four decades of experience in the air cargo and logistics sectors, including senior positions at UPS and DB Schenker. He was also one of the founding... mehr
Erst testen, dann beschaffen 

Die Zukunft wird emissionsfrei sein. Auf dieser Erkenntnis basiert die Testreihe innovativer Fahrzeuge des Schweizer Unternehmens Camion Transport. 2023 wird entschieden. mehr
Schritt über den Rhein 

Französische Akteure entdecken in Deutschland zunehmend ihre wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten. Binnen vier Jahren hat die französische Heppner-Gruppe ihren dritten Coup mit dem Kauf von ABC-Logistik an Rhein und Ruhr gelandet. mehr
Hauptstadt, Land, Fluss 

Im ersten Halbjahr 2021 wurden in Berlin und Brandenburg fast 1,9 Mio. t Güter auf den Binnenwasserstrassen befördert. Das ist insgesamt 9,4% weniger als im ersten Halbjahr 2020, aber die Entwicklung verlief uneinheitlich in beiden Teilregionen. mehr
Trieste - Villach service launched 

ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) is now expanding its network for conventional wagonloads with a new TransFER connection between Villach in Austria and Trieste in Italy. Departure times can be arranged individually for this nonstop service, which RCG is operating with its own traction... mehr
New mentorship scheme for WAL 

Women in Aviation and Logistics (WAL) has launched a new mentorship scheme and resource hub to host its searchable female speaker database to support and encourage the next generation of female executives. The scheme is free to join and will bring together industry leaders,... mehr
ITS on the digitisation wave 

During the ITS World Congress that is being held in Hamburg this week, the entire city around the trade fair and the port operations has become a real-life laboratory for intelligent transport systems. Until Friday, 15 October 2021, around 10,000 participants will learn... mehr
Kangaroo to stop in Darwin, not Perth 

Starting today in a month, on 14 November 2021, Qantas Airways will operate its flagship direct route to London via Darwin when Australia's border reopens. The airline has agreed with regional authorities to reroute its flights from Sydney and Melbourne (from 18 December)... mehr
More distribution in Saudi Arabia 

Al Maya Group, a large FMCG retailer based in the UAE and with over 90 stores in the Middle East, is transforming its warehouse management. The Dubai-headquartered company has selected the LFS warehouse management system from Ehrhardt Partner Group (EPG), among others, to... mehr